Social and ceremonial events

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        Social and ceremonial events

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          Social and ceremonial events

            49 Records results for Social and ceremonial events

            Photograph album 1949-1953
            GB TRCA TRC-HIS-1-4 · Item · 1949-1953
            Part of Records of Thames Rowing Club

            This album is mostly devoted to photographs of Princess Elizabeth's visit to the Head of the River Race and the clubhouse in 1951, but also contains a few photographs of other events from 1949 to 1953.

            GB TRCA TRC-PHO-1-00588 · Item · 1912
            Part of Records of Thames Rowing Club

            George V and Queen Mary are rowed down the Henley course in the Royal Barge, by a crew of watermen. An associated note by Tim Wilson records that Dick Phelps identified stroke as Ernie Barry and 3 as Clasper (though unclear which of that family).

            Unknown photographer