Showing 166 results

1948 Stewards' four with Dick Phelps
1948 Stewards' four with Dick Phelps
1960 1st VIII
1960 1st VIII
1961 1st VIII
1961 1st VIII
1961 2nd VIII
1961 2nd VIII
1962 2nd VIII
1962 2nd VIII
1962 2nd VIII and coaches
1962 2nd VIII and coaches
1st VIII Crew meeting
1st VIII Crew meeting
3 of 1990 Wyfold IV
3 of 1990 Wyfold IV
Aerial view of the clubhouse
Aerial view of the clubhouse
Aerial view of the clubhouse
Aerial view of the clubhouse
Aerial view of the clubhouse
Aerial view of the clubhouse
Alan Burrough's wife christens the new VIII "Alan Burrough"
Alan Burrough's wife christens the new VIII "Alan Burrough"
Alan Burrough's wife, Rosie christens the new VIII "Alan Burrough"
Alan Burrough's wife, Rosie christens the new VIII "Alan Burrough"
Alison Brownless
Alison Brownless
Angus Dodd
Angus Dodd
Angus Dodd in the gym
Angus Dodd in the gym
Berry and Dick, 1950
Berry and Dick, 1950
Big Room
Big Room
Big Room prepared for a celebratory dinner, with trophies
Big Room prepared for a celebratory dinner, with trophies
Burrough Building sub-committee
Burrough Building sub-committee
Captains VIII,following the rememberance service for Peter Kirkpatrick
Captains VIII,following the rememberance service for Peter Kirkpatrick
Caroline Christie
Caroline Christie
Changing Room before Scullers Head 1990
Changing Room before Scullers Head 1990
Chris Slemeck
Chris Slemeck
Chris Walker
Chris Walker
Club Bar
Club Bar
Club eight celebrating
Club eight celebrating
Clubhouse from the river
Clubhouse from the river
Clubhouse from the river
Clubhouse from the river
David Gates
David Gates
David Gates and Guy Deslandes outside the Club
David Gates and Guy Deslandes outside the Club
Debbie Brennan
Debbie Brennan
Dick Malt
Dick Malt
Elise Laverick
Elise Laverick
Elise Laverick and sponsor
Elise Laverick and sponsor
Festival of Britain Regatta - TRC Senior Coxswainless IV (winners)
Festival of Britain Regatta - TRC Senior Coxswainless IV (winners)
Festival Regatta of the Serpentine, senior fours won by Thames RC
Festival Regatta of the Serpentine, senior fours won by Thames RC
Final of the senior pairs - Christie & Rushmere winning from Taylor & Pinches (London)
Final of the senior pairs - Christie & Rushmere winning from Taylor & Pinches (London)
Former TRC Captains assembled following the rememberance service for Peter Kirkpatrick
Former TRC Captains assembled following the rememberance service for Peter Kirkpatrick
Four generations of Phelps
Four generations of Phelps
Fours Head 2003 - Elite Women's Coxless Four
Fours Head 2003 - Elite Women's Coxless Four
Freddie Beardmore
Freddie Beardmore
Gordon Dear and Blair Crawford
Gordon Dear and Blair Crawford
Guy Deslandes
Guy Deslandes
Guy Deslandes and Naomi Owen
Guy Deslandes and Naomi Owen
Helen Baird and Louisa Jenkins at Kingston Regatta
Helen Baird and Louisa Jenkins at Kingston Regatta
HOR 1991 TR Scullers VIII
HOR 1991 TR Scullers VIII
HOR 1991 TR Scullers VIII
HOR 1991 TR Scullers VIII
HRH Prince Michael and TRC Captain, Steve Jones
HRH Prince Michael and TRC Captain, Steve Jones
HRH Prince Michael and TRC Captain, Steve Jones and Lou McLachlan
HRH Prince Michael and TRC Captain, Steve Jones and Lou McLachlan
HRH Prince Michael, Alan Burrough and TRC Captain, Steve Jones
HRH Prince Michael, Alan Burrough and TRC Captain, Steve Jones
Izzy and Mike Urry's wedding
Izzy and Mike Urry's wedding
Izzy Grindal
Izzy Grindal
John Robson
John Robson
John Robson and Richard Court
John Robson and Richard Court
John Russell
John Russell
John Stephenson
John Stephenson
Lizzy "Pinkwellies" Widdowson
Lizzy "Pinkwellies" Widdowson
Louise Younger
Louise Younger
Martin Levy and Louise Younger at Kingston Regatta
Martin Levy and Louise Younger at Kingston Regatta
Mens 4X
Mens 4X
Men's squad 2005
Men's squad 2005
Michele Jones  and Guy Deslandes outside the Club
Michele Jones and Guy Deslandes outside the Club
Michele Jones wins Women's Sculls at Chiswick Regatta
Michele Jones wins Women's Sculls at Chiswick Regatta
Mike Urry and Angus Dodd
Mike Urry and Angus Dodd
Miram Batten
Miram Batten
Naming Faith and Charity
Naming Faith and Charity
Nick Copley
Nick Copley
Nick Copley
Nick Copley
Nick Copley
Nick Copley
Noel Casey
Noel Casey
Old gymnasium
Old gymnasium
Old gymnasium
Old gymnasium
Old gymnasium and tank
Old gymnasium and tank
Old tank
Old tank
Open Eight winners - Metropolitan Regatta 1991
Open Eight winners - Metropolitan Regatta 1991
Opening of the Burrough Building
Opening of the Burrough Building
Opening of the Burrough Building
Opening of the Burrough Building
Opening of the Burrough Building
Opening of the Burrough Building
Opening of the Burrough Building
Opening of the Burrough Building
Opening of the Burrough Building
Opening of the Burrough Building
Opening of the Burrough Building
Opening of the Burrough Building
Opening of the Burrough Building
Opening of the Burrough Building
Opening of the Burrough Building
Opening of the Burrough Building
Opening of the Burrough Building
Opening of the Burrough Building
Opening of the Burrough Building
Opening of the Burrough Building
Oscar Bird
Oscar Bird
Pairs' Head pennant winners
Pairs' Head pennant winners
Pauline Rayner
Pauline Rayner
Pauline Rayner
Pauline Rayner
Peter Haining
Peter Haining
Peter Haining and John Russell
Peter Haining and John Russell
Princess Elizabeth and others on board Enchantress, alongside the Polytechnic boathouse
Princess Elizabeth and others on board Enchantress, alongside the Polytechnic boathouse
Princess Elizabeth and others on board Enchantress, alongside the Polytechnic boathouse
Princess Elizabeth and others on board Enchantress, alongside the Polytechnic boathouse
Princess Elizabeth and others watch the Head of the River Race from the TRC balcony
Princess Elizabeth and others watch the Head of the River Race from the TRC balcony
Princess Elizabeth leaves the TRC clubhouse in a chauffer driven car
Princess Elizabeth leaves the TRC clubhouse in a chauffer driven car
Princess Elizabeth with James Hartley on the balcony during the race
Princess Elizabeth with James Hartley on the balcony during the race
Queen's Watermen
Queen's Watermen
Queen's Watermen
Queen's Watermen
Ruth Doyle
Ruth Doyle