Henley reach

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        Henley reach

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          Henley reach

            266 Records results for Henley reach

            237 results directly related Exclude narrower terms
            Thames Cup VIII
            GB TRCA TRC-PHO-1-00496 · Item · 1926
            Part of Records of Thames Rowing Club

            The identification of this crew as the 1926 Thames Cup VIII is not absolutely certain but the members of the crew appear to correlate with other photos of that year's crew.

            Bushell, George
            GB TRCA TRC-PHO-1-00588 · Item · 1912
            Part of Records of Thames Rowing Club

            George V and Queen Mary are rowed down the Henley course in the Royal Barge, by a crew of watermen. An associated note by Tim Wilson records that Dick Phelps identified stroke as Ernie Barry and 3 as Clasper (though unclear which of that family).

            Unknown photographer
            GB TRCA TRC-PHO-1-00586 · Item · 1911
            Part of Records of Thames Rowing Club

            This could, in theory, be a heat of the 1909 Stewards', in which Thames had exactly the same crew as 1911 and also beat Trinity Hall. But it seems more plausible that the club would have purchased a photograph of the final; the size of the crowd is also suggestive of finals day. Additionally, Logan at stroke appears to be looking at the opposition and his eye-line suggests a crew 11/4 length behind (as Trinity Hall were in 1911) rather than 5 lengths or more back (as they were in 1909, when an Easily verdict was recorded).

            Unknown photographer